“What is the command for changing the name of the conference room in PowerShell?”
Good question, and as it turns out the answer is a simple one though probably a little more complicated than you would first expect.
Let’s say I want to rename a room mailbox called “BR Meeting Room 1” to “Sunset Room” instead.
First, using Set-Mailbox I need to change the Name, Alias, DisplayName, SamAccountName, and UserPrincipalName.
[PS] C:>Set-Mailbox "BR Meeting Room 1" -Name "Sunset Room" -Alias "sunsetroom" -DisplayName "Sunset Room" -SamAccountName sunsetroom -UserPrincipalName sunsetroom@exchangeserverpro.net
That just leaves the FirstName attribute still set to the original name the room mailbox was given. To update that I use Set-User.
Set-User "Sunset Room" -FirstName "Sunset Room"
The change should be visible almost immediately if you’re viewing the global address list in OWA, or viewing the “All Rooms” address list in Outlook. However if you have cached mode Outlook users and an offline address book they will not see the change for 24-48 hours.
Actually, it’d probably work if you set the old UPN as a secondary SMTP address. For those playing along from Hybrid Exchange, within ADSI edit that’s ‘smtp’ and not ‘SMTP’ in the ProxyAddresses attribute.
Unfortunately, no it doesn’t work if you keep the old UP as a secondary SMTP address. Users have to manually update their appointments. Talk about a giant PITA.
Don’t want it to break? Don’t change the UPN attribute.
If you do change the UPN attribute, you could try creating a new Exchange contact with the old UPN and configuring a forwarder to the new UPN.
That will at least get the automatic meeting acceptances to the right mailbox – whether the Booking Attendant is capable of interpreting them with the addition of a hop is another story. I’ll report back once I’ve tested it.
I see that this original post on this was in 2013 and now we’re in 2018 and it seem that no has posted a fix for meeting room name changes breaking reoccurring meetings . If a fix is out there please share.
Meeting room mailbox is in office 365, in outlook meeting room description reflectes something else . Is there any way to change description of meeting room ?
Have to do the exact same thing now and researching the question like everyone else… I found an answer on another forum somewhere – the meeting is still present on all calendars, but retains the “old” name, so some manual work is required:
>> Exchange is unable to update the end user meetings. You have to do it manually:
>> 1. Open the meeting, remove the original room, and then select the new room.
>> 2. Send a update to all attendees
(I think instead of “remove” you would just select the new name of it)
Any update on this? Of course did not find this thread till i already renamed a couple hundred rooms 🙁
still the identity of mailbox is showing as old username. how to change that.?
Seems this is an Old issue without a resolution yet.
A call to MS has pointed me to the EWS script to solve the issue ourselves
check out this link
Looking for the same thing, how do we get the name to take and update to the users outlook vs me having to help 300+ people.
Has Anyone figured out how to get the updates applied to users calendar’s with the New Name Changes ?
Facing exact same issue.
Anyone with Meeting room calendar previously added with old name, still has it in their outlook calendar list with that old name
Any meetings added previously or via that calendar also show the old room mailbox name in Location field of that meeting so does not look good.
Problem is a very large number of users have this added so getting them to remove and add not a great option.
Have checked mailbox properties and only reference to old name is in LegacyExchangeDN attribute.
Has changing this attribute resolved both these issues for anyone without causing problems?
I did try creating a test room mailbox. I gave it one name and let it sit 24 hours in Exchange. After that period I changed the “name” of the mailbox by changing the Display Name and the Alias fields in the properties. What happened is the Display Name and Alias updated, but it did add and make the Primary SMTP address reflecting the new name on the account.
When I looked at the reoccurring meetings that I set up in this room after 48 hour period of changing the name, is that the room name did NOT get updated. I’m not certain how you would do this without updating the series of meetings.
I hope this provides some insights!
If anyone refers back to this. I have just tested and it does not break the existing meetings.
Thanks for the writeup
ever found a solution to update the room display name in people’s calendar (Outlook 2010)
still the old Name is visible!
Hi All, I tested this and it does not break the existing meetings BUT the display name doesn’t change for anyone who previous had that calendar added in their Outlook client. From my testing, it looks like they will have to remove the calendar and re-add with the new name. Does anyone know of a way to avoid this and force the display name change?
Hi all,
Was there an update on the fix ? Kind of useless guide if it breaks the existing meetings…
I need to rename some conference rooms. If I make the changes in powershell to change the display name and alias. Will this break the existing schedule meetings and will this display the correct name on existing meetings? Will it reflect the new change name or will retain the old name?
I don’t expect it to break existing meetings. Not sure about updates to the room display names in people’s calendars. I’d suggest creating a test room mailbox and testing your changes against that.
Sam / Paul,
ever found a solution to update the room display name in people’s calendar?
Richard/Paul.. have you found a fix for meetings already booked with previous name?
Yes it does break them, however I’m looking for a fix.
Doesn’t this break existing meeting notices setup in the room mailbox?
I don’t know, does it? I haven’t tested that.