Time to Take Time Off

Over the past year, the pandemic has disrupted traditional work patterns. With many working from home, many organizations now focus on how to help employees manage their work/life balance. Microsoft Viva Insights helps, but there are many steps admins can take using existing technology to support a wellbeing mindset in our organization. For example, an easy and effective change is to implement a transport rule to remind people that they have the “Right to Disconnect” when they receive an email outside work hours. This is a really simple process using a standard transport rule. However, while we can set a once-off activation and deactivation time for a given rule, this can’t be done natively on a recurring schedule.

Enter Azure Automation

To fill the gap, a straightforward PowerShell script can enable and disable the rule at certain times. There are various ways to schedule this. One of the easiest and most secure ways is to use an Azure Automation Account with a Run-as Account. If you have an Azure Subscription, you can create an Automation Account and utilize up to 500 minutes of run time per month for free; more details on pricing can be found here.

Alternatively, we can schedule the scripts as an on-premises task, but we lose out on the added security of using a Run-as Account to perform the tasks.

In this article, I’ll explain how to create the transport rule and schedule it with Azure Automation using the following steps:

  • Create the Transport Rule
  • Create an Automation Account and Run-as Account
  • Assign Permissions to the Run-as Account
  • Create the Automation Runbooks
  • Create and Link a Schedule

Create the Transport Rule

Before we set up the Automation Account, let’s get our Transport Rule in place. Go to the transport section of the Exchange Online Admin Center (EAC) and create a rule like that shown in Figure 1:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 1: Creating an Exchange mail transport rule.

Make sure to set the rule as disabled so you don’t impact users before you’re ready!

Create an Automation Account and Run-as Account

If you don’t already have an Automation Account, create one from the Azure Portal and assign it to a Subscription and Resource Group. Make sure the option to “Create Azure Run As account” is enabled:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 2: Creating an Azure Automation account

After creating the Automation Account, open it up and navigate to the “Run as Accounts” blade to verify that the account is ready. Note the expiry date as you will need to remember to renew the account certificate on or before that date.

Assign Permissions to the Run-as Account

Next, we need to grant the appropriate permissions to our Run-as Account. To do this, open the Azure AD admin center and select the “App Registrations” blade. Under “All Applications,” search for the Automation Account and open it:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 3: Looking for the automation account.

Copy the Application (client) ID value into the $AppId variable shown in the code below. Assigning the Exchange Online service principal to the app allows the service principal for the Run-as Account to manage Exchange Online:

$AppId = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"  # Value copied from Azure AD
$AppServicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "AppId eq $AppID"
$ExchangeOnlineServicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter " AppId eq '00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000'"
New-AzureAdServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AppServicePrincipal.ObjectId -PrincipalId $AppServicePrincipal.ObjectID -ResourceId $ExchangeOnlineServicePrincipal.ObjectID -Id "dc50a0fb-09a3-484d-be87-e023b12c6440"

After updating the code with the correct App ID, run the code in Azure AD PowerShell. The output should confirm the new role assignment has been created:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation

Next, open the Azure Active Directory Portal, navigate to “Roles and Administrators” and open the “Exchange Administrator” role. Select “Add assignments” and add the Run-as Account to the role. This role is needed to enable and disable the transport rule:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 4: Adding the automation account to an Azure AD role.

Create the Automation Runbooks
With an automation account prepared and assigned the required permissions, we can ready our Automation Account and Runbooks. Select the Automation Account and open the “Modules Gallery” blade so that we can add the ExchangeOnlineManagement module to allow our Runbook to connect to Exchange Online:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 5: Connecting the automation account to Exchange Online.

Select the module and click “Import” to import it into our Automation Account for use in our Runbooks.

Wait for the Module import process to finish. We can now create two Runbooks. One enables the transport rule, the other disables it.

To get started, from the “Runbooks” blade, select the option to “Create a Runbook” from the top of the page. As you can see in Figure 6, there are some tutorial Runbooks already present, but they can be ignored:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 6: Preparing to create runbooks.

Give the Runbook a name and select PowerShell as the Runbook type, we’ll create the Runbook to enable the rule first:

“Right to Disconnect” – Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 7: Creating a runbook.

When the Runbook is created, open it up and select “Edit” from the top of the page. Add the following code to the Runbook to enable the rule. This code uses the Run-as Account certificate to authenticate to the Exchange Online Management endpoint and activate the transport rule.


Replace <TenantName> with your tenant domain (domain.onmicrosoft.com) and replace <AppID> with the Application ID we copied earlier.

Also, replace “Right to Disconnect Disclaimer” with the name of your transport rule.

$Cred = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
$Organization = "TenantName"
$AppID = "AppID"
Connect-ExchangeOnline –CertificateThumbprint $Cred.CertificateThumbprint -organization $Organization -Appid $AppID
Enable-TransportRule -Identity "Right to Disconnect Disclaimer"

With this is place, your Automation Runbook should look like Figure 8:

“Right to Disconnect” &#8211; Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 8: Editing PowerShell code in a runbook.

We can test the code by running it in the “Test Pane” to verify the Runbook works as expected. When you’re happy the code works, click “Publish” to save the runbook.

Next, create a second runbook for disabling the rule, with the following slightly different contents:

$Cred = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
$Organization = "TenantName"
$AppID = "AppID"
Connect-ExchangeOnline –CertificateThumbprint $Cred.CertificateThumbprint -organization $Organization -Appid $AppID
Disable-TransportRule -Identity "Right to Disconnect Disclaimer"

With both Runbooks in place, we can move on to creating a schedule for their execution.

Create and Link a Schedule
From the Automation Account page, open the “Schedules” page and click “Add a schedule”. Add a schedule for enabling the rule, in Figure 9, we set the rule to enable at 6 PM every weekday.

From the Automation Account page, open the “Schedules” page and click “Add a schedule”. Add a schedule for enabling the rule, in Figure 9 we set the rule to enable at 6 PM every weekday:

“Right to Disconnect” &#8211; Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 9: Scheduling the runbook.

Then we create a second schedule to disable the rule every weekday at 8 AM:

“Right to Disconnect” &#8211; Implementing a Timed Disclaimer in Exchange Online with Azure Automation
Figure 10: Scheduling the second runbook.

With the Schedules in place, open each Runbook, and in the “Schedules” section, check the Schedule we just created.


In this article, I showed how to automate the activation and deactivation of a transport rule in Exchange Online using Azure Automation. Adding the “Right to Disconnect” disclaimer to internal emails that arrive outside of business hours is a great way of helping employees to disconnect at the end of the day to promote work/life balance. We have also laid a good foundation for using Azure Automation to perform other tasks in our Exchange Online environment without storing credentials or relying on on-premises scheduled tasks.

About the Author

Sean McAvinue

Sean McAvinue is a Microsoft MVP in Office Development and has been working with Microsoft Technologies for more than 10 years. As Modern Workplace Practice Lead at Ergo Group, he helps customers with planning, deploying and maximizing the many benefits of Microsoft 365 with a focus on security and automation. With a passion for creative problem solving, he enjoys developing solutions for business requirements by leveraging new technologies or by extending the built-in functionality with automation. Blogs frequently at https://seanmcavinue.net and loves sharing and collaborating with the community. To reach out to Sean, you can find him on Twitter at @sean_mcavinue


  1. Phrancis

    “If you have an Azure Subscription, you can create an Automation Account and utilize up to 500 minutes of run time per month for free; more details on pricing can be found here.”

    does this mean, i can do this only in the scope of the Azure subscription of up to 500 minutes, away from this, there is extra costs?

    1. Avatar photo
      Tony Redmond

      Yes. You’ll need to tie the Azure account to a subscription with a valid credit card.

  2. Jim

    Hi Sean,
    Have you noticed any oddities while using this.
    On reviewing mailflow logs, Ive noticed that some PROD.OUTLOOK.COM servers can take up to 1 hour for the rule to take affect.
    So if the rule is enabled at 6 PM, its often quite hit & miss for the first hour.

    MS_SERVER01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM applies the mail transport rule immediately, while MS_SERVER02.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM fails to do so for 50 minutes..

    1. Sean McAvinue

      HI Jim,
      Yes there is usually a delay when a rule is enabled so if it’s disabled at 6AM I would expect it to be fully complete by 7AM

  3. Jim

    Very Cool!
    And thank you!

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