Tag: Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

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Practical Graph: Reporting the Status of Group-Based License Assignments

This article describes how to create a report about group-based licensing assignments and any errors that might have occurred. The code uses the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to fetch information about the groups used for licensing assignments, interpret the assignments, find users with assignment errors, and send email to inform administrators about what's been found.

March 12, 2025

Practical Graph: Apply Retention Labels to Unlabeled SharePoint Files

A previous article described a script to find SharePoint Online files that didn't have retention labels. This article picks up the thread and shows how to use the data generated by the previous script to apply retention labels to the unlabeled files using cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Some issues are met along the way, but the script works and does the job, which is all that counts at the end of the day.

January 27, 2025

A New Version of the Room Mailbox Statistics Script

The room mailbox statistics script has proven to be a popular script downloaded and used by many to analyze the usage patterns of room mailboxes. Recently, a reader pointed out that the Graph API request to fetch workspaces didn't work. Microsoft has changed the Places resource and the request now needed to run against the beta endpoint. All of which brought me to rewrite the script using the Graph SDK.

October 1, 2024