Tag: Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

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Practical Graph: Deal with Common Errors when Running Graph Commands with PowerShell

It's great to be able to run Graph API requests in PowerShell scripts if everything goes right. This article describes why some common Graph API errors occur in scripts and what to do when the errors happen. Most errors are due to permissions assigned to the Azure AD apps used to run scripts and getting the basics will resolve those problems.

February 6, 2023

Practical Graph: Create a Mailbox Contents Report

Everyone likes reports. Well, here's a PowerShell script to create a report of Exchange Online mailbox content. The script uses the Graph API to list every item more than a year old (you can remove the filter if you like) and creates an Excel workbook containing the data. What you do with the information afterwards is up to you!

October 3, 2022

Introduction to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

A Unified Approach to Microsoft 365 management The Microsoft Graph API has been around for some time now and Microsoft is moving more management functions (such as License Management for Azure AD Accounts) to the platform. When Microsoft transitions a function to the Graph, organizations might have to update PowerShell scripts. Getting started with the […]

September 28, 2022

Microsoft Extends Retirement Date for Azure AD and MSOL License Assignment Cmdlets

Microsoft has extended the deprecation date for the Azure AD license management cmdlets to March 31, 2023. After that time, the cmdlets won't work. The strong recommendation is to replace all the old Azure AD and MSOL license management cmdlets in scripts with Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets or Graph API requests. You have an extra 7 months to do the job, do there's no excuse!

August 1, 2022

Microsoft 365 License Management for User Accounts with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

MSOL and AzureAD license management cmdlets stop working at the end of March 2024. By then, Microsoft 365 will have switched to a new license management platform. The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK includes cmdlets which can replace the older code, once you know how. The good news is that this article is packed full of practical examples of how to add, remove, and update licenses assigned to Entra ID user accounts.

April 13, 2022

How to Figure Out What Microsoft Graph Permissions You Need

The Microsoft Graph operates on a least permission model, which means that developers are forced to ask for permissions for the actions they wish to perform. This is a very different approach to the way traditional PowerShell modules work, so it's an area to focus on when converting scripts which use cmdlets from the Azure AD and MSOL modules to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. In this article, we look at four ways to find out what permissions are needed to perform different actions and explain how the Graph use the permissions.

April 12, 2022

Creating New Microsoft 365 Accounts with PowerShell

It's common to find a requirement to create new Microsoft 365 accounts with PowerShell. We're at a point of transition when the old method of using the Azure AD module will switch to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK or Graph API queries. In this article, we explain how to create new accounts and assign licenses with both the Azure AD module and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

March 21, 2022