Tag: Security

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Steve Riley on hypervisor attacks

  You have to ask: is there malware on my system? You can be 100 per cent certain there is no malware that you can detect, but less than 100 per cent certain that there is no malware at all. Now, ladies and gentlemen, isn’t this true of every computer we already have? There is […]

September 5, 2008

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 disables Exchange Anti-spam updates

Here is the anti-spam configuration on an Exchange Server 2007 RTM server: [PS] C:\>Get-AntispamUpdates UpdateMode : Automatic LatestContentFilterVersion : 3.3.4604.600 SpamSignatureUpdatesEnabled : True LatestSpamSignatureVersion : 3.3.4604.600 IPReputationUpdatesEnabled : True LatestIPReputationVersion : 3.3.4604.001 MicrosoftUpdate : NotConfigured And here is the same Exchange Server 2007 server immediately after upgrading to Service Pack 1: [PS] C:\>Get-AntispamUpdates UpdateMode : […]

February 6, 2008

Security Spin Cycles

Jeff Jones posted a blog entry to celebrate Red Hat fixing their 1000th unique security vulnerability.  He also draws attention to a Red Hat post on their “Truth Happens” blog back in August, which itself quotes a post on Lxer.com. Jeff posts quarterly statistics on his blog that show how many vulnerabilities have been patched for various […]

October 17, 2007

Tom Shinder on “hardware” firewalls

Tom Shinder of ISAServer.org takes an amusing shot at the myth in some circles that a “hardware” firewall or “firewall appliance” offers more security than a Microsoft ISA Server firewall. I was drawn to a particular quote in his article about the relative security of ISA Server to other popular firewalls in the context of […]

August 31, 2007

The Security Alert That Wasn’t There

I logged onto my laptop this evening to check something for work and noticed that Vista was showing a security alert in my system tray. I double-clicked the icon to open Security Center and find out what was wrong, and it informs me that my Windows Defender (the anti-spyware/malware built in to Windows Vista) is […]

May 13, 2007

Two Security Books

Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World is written by the internationally renowned security expert Bruce Schneier.  Bruce has authored several books on security and this one is a fascinating read that is sure to open your mind up to new ways of thinking about security in everyday business matters.  This book has […]

March 31, 2007

Windows Vista @ Black Hat

Austin Wilson of the Windows Vista Security Team reported back from the recent Black Hat conference about a demonstration in which a security researcher inserted unsigned code into the kernel of an x64 version of Windows Vista.  This demonstration has led many to declare the security of the upcoming Microsoft product to be poor. Of […]

August 11, 2006

Steve Riley: Mandatory Integrity Control in Windows Vista

Steve Riley has updated his Blog with a discussion on the new Mandatory Integrity Control features of Windows Vista. http://blogs.technet.com/steriley/archive/2006/07/21/442870.aspx If you don’t know who Steve Riley is you can read his bio here. I’ve seen Steve talk at TechEd and other Microsoft conferences before and he really captivates the audience with an entertaining and […]

July 23, 2006