Microsoft has released Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2. Here is how you can deploy it to your existing organization.

Service Pack 2 deployment follows the same installation sequence as the initial Exchange install or any other update.

  1. Client Access servers, starting with the internet-facing ones
  2. Hub Transport and Edge Transport servers
  3. Mailbox servers
  4. Unified Messaging servers

Note: if you are installing to multi-role servers just prioritize based on the same order above.

Upgrading Client Access Servers to Exchange 2010 SP2

When you install Service Pack 2 on Client Access servers you may receive an error message for a missing IIS component. This issue and the solution are described in the following article:

If you’re updating a CAS array of servers in a Windows Network Load Balancing cluster then refer to the following article to learn how to perform the update without disrupting clients:

Upgrading Database Availability Groups to Exchange 2010 SP2

If you are updating the members of a DAG to Service Pack 2 then refer to the following article for instructions on how to perform the upgrade without requiring an outage for mailbox users:

Exchange MVP Andy Grogan has already released an updated version of his RUPS Tool for installing Service Pack 2.

Upgrading Management Tools to Exchange 2010 SP2

Any management servers or workstations that have the Exchange 2010 Management Tools installed on them will also need to be upgraded to be able to manage some of the new features of Exchange 2010 SP2 and to avoid the initialization error that can occur due to mismatched versions. Simply run the setup wizard to upgrade those computers.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for



    I am tyring to upgrade the Exchange server 2010 SP2 to Service Pack 3 and the windows installer is asking for the SP2 files, I couldn’t find the SP2 files on the internet. can you please help.


    I have running Exchange 2010 SP3 {MB,CS,TP roles}.
    Client Access server
    Hub Transport
    Mailbox server.
    Upon checking the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftExchangeServerv14Language Packs]
    I have a lot of client and server language packs and around 14 server language and almost all client language packs.

    Now i need to remove all unused such language packs form exchange server 2010 SP3. What should i do and how to remove these additional language packs. IS it safe to remove them. Will there be any impact later to apply any updates/rollups.

  3. PPro

    Hi Paul, I am in the process of upgrading our exchange 2003 to exchange 2010, we are part of a forest, one of a child domain. Some sites are still running exchange 2003 and some are running exchange 2007, we are the 1st to install 2010. I’ve finish installing exchange 2010 RTM and when I tried to install sp3, I get the error your local computer not in the same domain as schema master, which is true. I do not want to update the schema master (it’s at the forest root), where can I go back to, so that I don’t have to mess with updating the schema master? I believe sp2 with ru6 does need to update the schema as well?

      1. PPro

        Thank you Paul..Is it possible that my RTM build is not complete? I am seeing Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully though. I’ve tried several time to update to sp3 and keep getting “Problem while validating the state of AD, the local computer is not in the same domain and site as the schema master”. If my RTM build was successful I would have to update the schema somewhere along the way? Would it make sense if I restart this over and just install the SP3 build? I didn’t want to mess with the schema master.

  4. Kashif Iqbal

    Hi Paul,

    Can you help me on below error

    Couldn’t resolve the user or group “ Exchange Security Groups/Discovery Management.” If the user or group is a foreign forest principal, you must have either a two-way trust or an outgoing trust.

    The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.

  5. Elbert

    The EMC says build version 15.3.x.x, but the server configuration page says 15.1.x.x
    is there any way to change the build number manually?
    it’s just 1 all in one server, and exchange 2013 refused to install because the AD says it’s 2010 SP1


  6. Navneet Maharaj

    Hi Paul,

    I am thinking adding new exchange server to may exchange organization however my current exchange organization is SP2 RU6. Will it be okay to install exchange 2010 SP1 initially and then apply the SP6 and Ru6. My colleague was saying that if a install a lower version of exchange then i might corrupt our exchange 2010 environment.

      1. Navneet Maharaj

        HI Paul,

        I only have exchange 2010 enterprise with SP1. Can we also slipstream exchange 2010 with SP2 like we do for offices and windows, if so how would i do that.

  7. Kyle


    Just lokking for confirmation that I am heading the correct direction to do an upgrade …
    environment: 1 CAS/HUB, 2MBX in DAG … all running Windows Server 2008 R2 …
    I should upgrade the CAS/HUB server first and then follow the DAG maintentance that is outlined in the following:

    Does this same process apply if you are installing RUs versus SPs?

    There was a question before that I am not sure I saw the answer to … can you upgrade in stages? or do all servers have to have the same SP/RU level?

    thanks again for any advice to have and for a great site.

    1. Avatar photo

      Yes you can upgrade in stages. Always start with the internet-facing site, because if a CAS is proxying to other CAS in other sites, the internet-facing CAS needs to be at the same or higher level as the ones in other sites.

      Within a DAG you can upgrade the servers over a period of time but it is generally recommended to not allow that period of time to go for long. I tend to do it over a few days/nights.

  8. Rod Nkepu

    Hi Paul, i was trying to upgrade to MS Exchange 2010 sp2 because i have issues with transport service, but i ended with an error that transport service has not started. can you assist

  9. Jose Antonio Urbaneja

    Hi Paul. It is correct. The version in the registry is correct in all folders but is wrong in the ECP.

    Thank you so mach!

  10. Jose Antonio Urbaneja

    Hello. I have upgraded exchange 2010 SP1 to SP3. When I finished all was right, but the version that I could see in de Exchange Console is “Version 14.1 (Build 218.15)” and the SP3 versión is 14.3. I Have searched in registry and the version is 14.3. How and where I can change the versión that I can see in the console?

    Thank you so much

      1. Jose Antonio Urbaneja

        No. My server is a Typical Exchange Server Installation (Hub Transport, Client Access, Mailbox and Exchange Management Tools) over a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller with all roles FSMO.

        Thank you Paul.

        1. Elbert

          Hi Paul,
          I encountered the same problem, it’s all in one server.
          It says and I can’t do co-ex with 2013 since it thinks the old one is SP1
          any ideas?

  11. Pieter Page

    Hi Paul,

    I’ve got an Exchange 2010 server version 14.00.0722.000. No updates or rollups were installed since the installation was done. Meaning it is a clean installaion.

    I need to start installing the Service Packs and rollups.

    My question: I am not sure where to start. Do I fist install SP1 and the rollups and then continue to SP2 or can I start with SP2 and the the rollups?

  12. Elton Dias

    Paul, here is the one of best websites of ways to manage exchange server…really thanks for your articles. Congratulations!

  13. david

    paul..I have a 2 member dag environment…

    can i install service pack 2 without putting the Dag i maintance mode…

    I understand users will lose connection to their mailbox..but i plan on doing this after hours so worst comes to worst they will just not have access during the upgrade period..


    will running the sp2 update break something if I don’t put the Dag in maintance mode…



  14. Robert Jacobs

    While upggrading Exchange 2010 SP1 (RU8) to SP2, the following errors occur in step Client Access Role after a couple of minutes (all previous steps completed fine):

    Summary: 8 item(s). 4 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:29:11

    Language Files
    Elapsed Time: 00:10:31

    Restoring services
    Elapsed Time: 00:00:01

    Elapsed Time: 00:05:01

    Hub Transport Role
    Elapsed Time: 00:08:42

    Client Access Role

    The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
    $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32inetsrvappcmd.exe;
    $imagePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, “ClientAccessOwaauthexppw.dll”);
    Start-SetupProcess -Name “$CommandAppCmd” -args “install module /name:exppw /image:`”$imagePath`” /add:false” -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
    Start-SetupProcess -Name “$CommandAppCmd” -args “add module /name:exppw /`”Default Web Site/owa`”” -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
    ” was run: “Process execution failed with exit code 50.”.

    Process execution failed with exit code 50.
    Click here for help…
    Elapsed Time: 00:04:55

    Mailbox Role

    Management Tools

    Finalizing Setup

    Background info:
    After installation of Rollup 8 on SP1 nobody was able to send / receive email on their iPhones anymoreIt. It was also not possible to use Outlook Web Access. The strangest thing is that everything works fine when connected to the LAN (same subnet as Exchange and IIS). On RDP (Terminal Server) everything works fine too, includig OWA.
    While trying to recover my netwerk in SBS Console I also receive an errormessage referring to Unable to connect to Exchange Management Shell. EMS works fine when connected manually.

    Can somebody help me solve these problems?

    Regards, Robert.

  15. Dave Doeppel

    Excellent. Thank you. Any advice for updating a CAS Array that is behind a hardware load balancer. I don’t have the ability to make changes on the LB so is it possible to just stop the Exchange services on one server, even though some users will get disconnected and have a reconnect? Then run my updates and turn them back on.

    1. Avatar photo

      The least disruptive way would be to use your LB control traffic so you’re not disconnecting users by simply running the update. It really depends on your LB how it will handle the server/services going down during the update process, and how clients will see the impact.

      If you absolutely cannot do anything with the LB then you should at least reduce the impact by performing the updates out of hours.

  16. MarioTunes

    Thank you for article.
    I have Exchange 2010 SP1 Rollup 3 installed on my CAS servers, should I uninstall rollup before install SP2?
    Thank you

      1. Dave Doeppel

        What are they referring to when they say you have to Uninstall interim updates? I also have Rollups installed under SP1. So do those count as interim updates or is that something completely different????

        1. Avatar photo

          Interim updates are specific hotfixes released to address specific issues. Usually you can only get them by contacting Support. They need to be uninstalled because they are often not as thoroughly tested as the final version of that specific hotfix that gets included with the rollup, and so may not be the final code.

          Rollups themselves aren’t interim updates. You do not need to uninstall other rollups before installing the latest one.

      2. MarioTunes

        Hello Paul,

        My concern is about should I uninstall installed roll-ups before install SP2 ?

        Thank you

  17. Karasan

    Hi Paul

    Hope you can assist with the below error. I was busy upgrading from Exchange 2010 SP1 to SP2 on my CAS/HUB servers, during my change the firewall guys did some changes on the firewall wall which cause my upgrade to fail when I try to re-run the upgrade i get the below error.

    Summary: 14 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:00:10

    Organization Preparation

    The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
    buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetDataAtom -AtomName OrgCtChildren -DomainController $RoleDomainController

    ” was run: “An error occurred with error code ‘3238230758’ and message ‘Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.’.”.

    An error occurred with error code ‘3238230758’ and message ‘Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.’.
    Click here for help…

    1. Karasan

      Below ExchangeSetup.log

      08/18/2012 23:40:32.0909] [2] Entering ScInstallLDIFScript
      [08/18/2012 23:40:33.0143] [2] ScRunLDIFScript (f:14.02.0247sourcesdevadminsrclibsexsetupexmisc.cxx:891)
      Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.
      [08/18/2012 23:40:33.0143] [2] ScInstallLDIFScript (f:14.02.0247sourcesdevadminsrclibsexsetupserver.cxx:152)
      Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.

    2. Karasan


      Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit,CN=Extended-Rights,cn=Configuration,dc=***,dc=**,dc=**
      Add error on entry starting on line 974: Unavailable

      An error has occurred in the program

  18. Cory

    Is there any reason I couldn’t do a phased approach to the installation of this Service Pack 2 (and I am planning rollup 3 as well). My concern is I don’t think I will have enough time over night to get through all the servers in one evening. I have 2 locations with 1 CAS/Hub, 1 Mailbox, and 1 UM each and 2 locations with multiple CAB/HUB and Mailbox servers with DAG between the 2 of them(or corporate office).

    My thought is to do all the CAS/HUB servers on night 1(including the rollup3). Then on night 2 do all the Mailbox Servers(including the rollup3). Then on night 3 do the UM servers (including rollup3).

    Is this doable? Will this cause any problems that I need to be aware of?

    Last question. As I am reading through the release notes and your websites too. I am seeing reference to that all mailbox databases at some point will need to be dismounted and SP2 is making changes to each mailbox. How long do these changes take (on average of course)? all my databases average about 60GB in size and I have 48 of them.
    Cory B.

  19. Don

    i need to upgrade my 3 exchange servers from exchange 2010 RU5 to SP2.

    1.. will there be issues with the RU5 and SP2 servers coexisting during the upgrade?
    2.. since i am going from RU5 to SP2 do i need to install SP1 first?
    3.. we patch our servers every months so the 2008 R2 platform is up to date in MS patches.

  20. Raj

    while Upgrading to the Exchange 2010 Sp2 from SP1 . Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Exchange organization-level objects have not been created, and setup cannot create them because the local computer is not in the same domain and site as the schema master. I tried with Registry chnages of sitename =Schema master site name Not succeed to upgrade.

    1. Avatar photo

      Yes, the service pack includes some schema changes so you need to run that portion of it in the same domain and site as your schema master. If you don’t have an Exchange server matching those criteria then run the schema update from a non-Exchange server (on the Schema master itself for example) and then go and upgrade your Exchange servers after that.

  21. George Caba


    I just want to say … THANK YOU … for your articles regarding upgrading MS Exchange Server 2010 to SP2, saved me lots of time. I had some issues at the beginning when I started installing SP2 on CAS/HT servers, setup failed requesting to have some hotfixes previously installed . See messages bellow:

    Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the ‘beremote’ () process (I
    D: 3120) has open files. Close the process and restart Setup.

    Client Access Role Checks FAILED
    Install hotfix Microsoft Knowledge Base article 982867 from

    This computer requires the update described in Microsoft Knowledge Base art
    icle 979744 ( Please in
    stall the required update to proceed.

    Install hotfix Microsoft Knowledge Base article 983440 from

    This computer requires the update described in Microsoft Knowledge Base art
    icle 977020 ( Please install the require
    d update to proceed.

    Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the ‘beremote’ () process (I
    D: 3120) has open files. Close the process and restart Setup.

    The Exchange Server setup operation didn’t complete. More details can be found
    in ExchangeSetup.log located in the :ExchangeSetupLogs folder.

    Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

    I’ve downloaded all four of them, stopped BackupExec agent and installed two of them for the other I got a message saying that they are not for that OS, KB’s were .net 2.0 related which wasn’t installed. I’ve ended installing all Windows updates, including SP1 then re-ran setup and everything went smoothly.

    1. Prajwal

      Yes windows update is required .. Even i faced the same kind of issue, but installed the updates manually…

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