The Exchange Best Practices Analyzer is a useful tool for Exchange Server 2010 environments for identifying problems or misconfigurations in the environment.  I will often run an Exchange BPA scan as the first step troubleshooting problems when they aren’t a clear cut solution.

This means that it can be desirable to automate the running of the Exchange Best Practices Analyzer so that regular reports are produced, which can make it easier to trace the time when a problem began occurring or even automated the parsing of the results for alerting purposes.

Scheduling an Exchange BPA Scan

To schedule an Exchange Best Practices Analyzer scan launch the ExBPA tool from the Toolbox in the Exchange Management Console.

When connecting to Active Directory click the option to Show advanced login options.

Connect to Active Directory in the Exchange BPA
Connect to Active Directory in the Exchange BPA

Enter administrative credentials that meet the minimum level of access required by the Exchange BPA.  In this example I am using the Administrator account, however in a production environment you would ideally create a lower privilege account with the minimum required access.  Note that the domain name needs to be entered as the NetBIOS name, not the FQDN.

Enter administrative credentials to connect to Active Directory and Exchange
Enter administrative credentials to connect to Active Directory and Exchange

Configure your scan options and then click on Schedule a Best Practices scan.

Schedule an Exchange Best Practices Scan
Schedule an Exchange Best Practices Scan

Tick the box to Enable scan scheduling and set a start time and run frequency.  When you have configured the schedule click on Save and Exit this tool.

Configure the scan schedule for the Exchange BPA
Configure the scan schedule for the Exchange BPA

The Exchange Best Practices Analyzer configures a scheduled task on the server that can be viewed in Task Scheduler.

The Exchange Best Practices Analyzer scheduled task
The Exchange Best Practices Analyzer scheduled task
The scheduled task action for Exchange Best Practices Analyzer
The scheduled task action for Exchange Best Practices Analyzer

At the scheduled date and time the Exchange BPA scan will run.  The resulting XML and TXT report files will be stored in the %appdata%RoamingMicrosoftExBPA folder on the server, for example C:UsersadministratorAppDataRoamingMicrosoftExBPA.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Mark Dininio

    Thanks for this Paul. In your opinion, when is the best time of day to run the EXBPA? Will it bog down email to run it midday so I can watch it go?

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