Here is a PowerShell tip that I rely on quite a lot. Sometimes I will have an admin task to perform but I can’t think of the exact PowerShell command to use. For example I know I want to perform some calendar administration, but I don’t remember the correct command.

Thanks to Get-Command I can quickly search for commands based on keywords. For example, to find all of the cmdlets with the keyword “calendar” in them:

[PS] C:>Get-Command -Noun *calendar*

CommandType     Name                                                Definition
-----------     ----                                                ----------
Function        Get-CalendarDiagnosticLog                           ...
Function        Get-CalendarNotification                            ...
Function        Get-CalendarProcessing                              ...
Function        Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration                    ...
Function        Get-MailboxCalendarFolder                           ...
Function        Set-CalendarNotification                            ...
Function        Set-CalendarProcessing                              ...
Function        Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration                    ...
Function        Set-MailboxCalendarFolder                           ...
Function        Test-CalendarConnectivity                           ...

You can also search based on the “verb” of the commands, for example to find all commands that start with the “Test” verb:

[PS] C:>Get-Command -Verb "Test"

CommandType     Name                                                Definition
-----------     ----                                                ----------
Function        Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity                         ...
Function        Test-AssistantHealth                                ...
Function        Test-CalendarConnectivity                           ...
Cmdlet          Test-ComputerSecureChannel                          Test-ComputerSecureChannel [-Repair] [-Server  [[-So...
Function        Test-EcpConnectivity                                ...
Function        Test-EdgeSynchronization                            ...
Function        Test-ExchangeSearch                                 ...
Function        Test-FederationTrust                                ...
Function        Test-FederationTrustCertificate                     ...
Function        Test-ImapConnectivity                               ...
Function        Test-IPAllowListProvider                            ...
Function        Test-IPBlockListProvider                            ...
Function        Test-IRMConfiguration                               ...
Function        Test-Mailflow                                       ...
Function        Test-MAPIConnectivity                               ...
Cmdlet          Test-ModuleManifest                                 Test-ModuleManifest [-Path]  [-Verbose] ...
Function        Test-MRSHealth                                      ...
Function        Test-OrganizationRelationship                       ...
Function        Test-OutlookConnectivity                            ...
Function        Test-OutlookWebServices                             ...
Function        Test-OwaConnectivity                                ...
Cmdlet          Test-Path                                           Test-Path [-Path]  [-Filter ] ...
Function        Test-PopConnectivity                                ...
Function        Test-PowerShellConnectivity                         ...
Function        Test-ReplicationHealth                              ...
Function        Test-SenderId                                       ...
Function        Test-ServiceHealth                                  ...
Function        Test-SmtpConnectivity                               ...
Function        Test-SystemHealth                                   ...
Function        Test-UMConnectivity                                 ...
Function        Test-WebServicesConnectivity                        ...
Cmdlet          Test-WSMan                                          Test-WSMan [[-ComputerName] ] [-Authenti...

So next time you’re scratching your head trying to think of the name of that PowerShell command, just give Get-Command a go.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. U. P. B. Michael

    It’d be good if Powershell commands provide help like the way CISCO IOS commands do. Anyway, many thanks Paul for showing the easiest way to find the Powershell commands.

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