I used to do some work for a customer who’s idea of running an evaluation of a new system was to pick one product, put it in, then if it sort of worked good enough to just buy that one.  Over the long term some of these choices turned out to be less than ideal.

Over at AllSpammedUp.com I’ve written a high level approach to evaluating anti-spam products for businesses.

If you are considering anti-spam solutions for your business it is important to take the time and evaluate possible solutions properly.  Remember these basic steps:

  • Learn about which products are available on the market
  • Contact vendors to discuss your needs and access demonstrations and pre-sales support
  • Perform a testing phase before the evaluation phase
  • Utilise trial licenses of Windows, Exchange, and the anti-spam software, along with spare hardware or a VMWare environment to reduce the impact on production systems
  • Evaluate all features thoroughly and consistently across the different products

By performing a proper evaluation of anti-spam products you greatly increase the chances that you will implement the product that is the best fit for your organisation.

Read the full article here.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for Practical365.com.


  1. Ross Hart

    Hi Paul
    Was wondering if you had any insight into why the RBL providers wont work in exchange 2016?
    I have SCL working fine and setup logging etc but it seems to be bypassing the RBL providers. When I run the get-antispamtoprblproviers.ps1 script I get no result


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