Microsoft has released the latest quarterly updated for Exchange Server 2016 and 2013, as well as an update rollup for Exchange 2010.

The Exchange 2016 and 2013 cumulative updates include the following changes and improvements:

  • Full support for TLS 1.2 on supported Exchange versions (i.e. not older CU’s that are already out of support). Refer to the further guidance here.

Microsoft also reminds customers to upgrade to .NET Framework 4.7.1 before the June 2018 quarterly release:

Reminder that customers should be in the process of moving to .NET Framework 4.7.1. .NET Framework 4.7.1 will be required on Exchange Server 2013 and 2016 installations starting with our June 2018 quarterly releases. Customers should plan to upgrade to .NET Framework 4.7.1 after applying March 2018 quarterly release to avoid blocking installation of the June 2018 quarterly releases for Exchange Server 2013 and 2016.

Additional Information

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. Tim

    sorry about that, we’re currently on CU7. I’ll re-read the link again.


  2. Tim

    I’m getting ready to apply Ex2016 CU9 (on 2012R2 OS) and I’d like to be ahead of the curve by also installing .NET 4.7.1. Is there a particular order to follow here? Does the .NET update/upgrade install with no problems or are there things I need to be looking out for?

    the support matrix indicates CU8 & 9 are the only CU’s that support .NET 4.7.1, I guess I should install one of those first, then the .NET update. correct?

    Thank you

  3. Tu Nguyen

    Hi Paul,

    We are facing a very strange issue. After installing the Security Patch for Exchange 2016 CU8 unsuccessfully, all Exchange services were disabled and stopped working. We had to enable and start them manually. Starting that moment, the %Systemroot%\Temp folder being filled up quickly with .TMP files. Their names starting with 0*.tmp –> 9*.tmp, a*.tmp –> f*.tmp. They are also growing in size, starting with 400KB each file now nearly 40MB each after 5 days. Only about 1/3 or 1/4 of the TMP files are that big, the others that are still being generated now are still only few KB in size.

    Both Exchange Server team and Windows Server team from Microsoft Partner Technical Support service took a look at our server and could not identify the cause, or whether we could delete those TMP files safely. We have to keep extending the C: partition in order to keep Back Pressure not kicks in. The original size was only 150GB and now reaching 1TB.

    Any idea or educated guess is very welcome and appreciated. Thanks!

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