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Deploying Microsoft Intune Security Baselines

One of the most important requirements for organizations that wish to use Intune is the security baseline of the device. There are differences between the guidance provided by NCSC, CIS, and Microsoft’s pre-configured security baselines for Intune. This article explains the guidance from each organization, while providing a gap analysis between the baselines.

April 5, 2022

How to Stream Webinars from Microsoft Teams Using RTMP

Microsoft launched a new feature: RTMP streaming from within Microsoft Teams. This allows you to stream from Microsoft Teams to any supported service - such as YouTube, LinkedIn Live, Twitter, Facebook Live and many third-party event platforms. In this post we show you how to configure it, and what to expect when you use it.

April 4, 2022

Building Exchange 2019 Lab Environments

Exchange Server on-premises organizations need somewhere to test scenarios for updating, testing configurations, and running occasional “what-if” testing. This article provides guidance on notable alternatives for delivering suitable Exchange 2019 lab environments - without breaking the bank.

March 30, 2022

Why Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for Azure AD Matters

Continuous access evaluation (CAE) is a feature that flew under the radar over the past two years. Even so, CAE for Azure Active Directory is an extremely important feature that will not only increase the security posture of your environment but reduce the amount of time before a user loses access to resources when certain critical events happen. This article discusses the need for the feature and how to work with it.

March 22, 2022

Creating New Microsoft 365 Accounts with PowerShell

It's common to find a requirement to create new Microsoft 365 accounts with PowerShell. We're at a point of transition when the old method of using the Azure AD module will switch to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK or Graph API queries. In this article, we explain how to create new accounts and assign licenses with both the Azure AD module and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

March 21, 2022

Many Successes and a Few Hiccups in the First Five Years of Microsoft Teams

In November 2016, Microsoft launched the preview version of a new application they called Teams. General availability duly came on March 14, 2017. Five years later, there's no denying the success of Teams and its influence across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Along with the success, Teams has had its glitches and failures, but the overall balance sheet is very positive.

March 14, 2022

Every Meeting Online?

Just as in-person meetings are resuming around the world, Microsoft has begun rolling out improvements to a feature that enables you to make every meeting an online meeting in Teams or Skype for Business. Seen from the perspective of having hybrid meetings be the ‘new norm,’ the ability to have meetings default to online-only is a useful step, Microsoft still has a few rough edges to fix before these updates reach their full potential.

March 11, 2022