Tag: PowerShell

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Five Things Microsoft 365 Security Administrators Should Do in 2023

Microsoft 365 security is a big topic. Focus is important when it comes to getting things done. In this article, we suggest five areas that administrators could work on during 2023 to improve the security posture of their tenant. You might already have established full control over some of these areas. Even if you have, it's still good to consider if you can improve security.

February 20, 2023

Practical Graph: Deal with Common Errors when Running Graph Commands with PowerShell

It's great to be able to run Graph API requests in PowerShell scripts if everything goes right. This article describes why some common Graph API errors occur in scripts and what to do when the errors happen. Most errors are due to permissions assigned to the Azure AD apps used to run scripts and getting the basics will resolve those problems.

February 6, 2023

Top Ten PowerShell Tips for Microsoft 365 Management: Part Two

If you are stuck using your on-premises resources to manage a cloud infrastructure, it is an opportune time to change that with the availability of tools and functions that are now available. In this article, we focus on how to use PowerShell to manage Microsoft 365. In addition, we consider how to use cloud services to manage PowerShell code, testing, security controls, and more. 

January 3, 2023

9 Must-Read Practical 365 Posts from 2022

Here’s to another year of practical advice on all things Microsoft! Practical 365 is wrapping up the year with a whopping 200+ articles, focusing on topics such as PowerShell, Exchange, Azure AD, Teams, and much more. This article shares 9 must-read posts, recommended by Steve Goodman, Tony Redmond, and Paul Robichaux.

December 22, 2022