Installing Exchange Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016
How to install Exchange Server 2016 CU3 or later on Windows Server 2016, including pre-requisite installation and antivirus exclusions for Windows Defender.
How to install Exchange Server 2016 CU3 or later on Windows Server 2016, including pre-requisite installation and antivirus exclusions for Windows Defender.
PowerShell functions for securely storing and using credentials that can be easily re-used for authentication in scripts and scheduled tasks.
The Get-DailyBackupAlerts.ps1 PowerShell script to monitor Exchange database backups has been updated with improvements and bug fixes.
In this episode of the Exchange Server Pro Podcast, Steve Goodman and I discuss the challenges of automating Exchange and Office 365 administration.
How to use the Test-ReplicationHealth PowerShell cmdlet to test the database replication health for Exchange Database Availability Group members.
The Exchange Analyzer team are happy to release v0.2.1-Beta.5. This release contains several new tests and some bug fixes.
It is a recommended practice to configure any antivirus software running on Exchange servers to exclude specific paths, processes, and file types.
PowerShell has been around for many years now, but it's still a source of confusion, anger, and frustration for a lot of IT professionals.
An overview of the different web-based administration portals and PowerShell connection methods for administering Microsoft 365 services.
Announcing a new PowerShell Q&A section for Exchange Server Pro, answering your PowerShell-related questions.
We're pleased to release v0.1.2-Beta.3 of Exchange Analyzer, containing mostly bug fixes and report format improvements.