Azure Active Directory

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An Introduction and How to Setup Windows 365 Enterprise

Microsoft’s Windows 365 Cloud PC offering can be the perfect fit for organizations that require remote workers to log into a PC that can access their network without the need for a VPN. This article deep dives into Windows 365 and how to setup Windows 365 Enterprise for your organization.

December 14, 2022

Using Azure Automation to Monitor Unified Audit Log Events

The Office 365 audit log is a rich source of forensic information. This article explains how to use Azure Automation to search the log for high-priority events. We use the new support for managed identities in V3.0 of the Exchange Online management PowerShell module to search the audit log and end up sending a nice HTML-format message to administrators.

October 17, 2022

You’ve Migrated…​ But What Did You Leave Behind?

Preparation, Preparation, and More Preparation Migrations in Microsoft 365 are a complex beast. It seems every time you feel like you have captured everything, more apps or functionalities appear. Every shiny new tool Microsoft releases is another consideration for migration teams and IT departments. Planning for migrations – tenant-to-tenant or otherwise – is a mammoth […]

September 6, 2022