Tag: MFA

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Five Things Microsoft 365 Security Administrators Should Do in 2023

Microsoft 365 security is a big topic. Focus is important when it comes to getting things done. In this article, we suggest five areas that administrators could work on during 2023 to improve the security posture of their tenant. You might already have established full control over some of these areas. Even if you have, it's still good to consider if you can improve security.

February 20, 2023

Improve MFA Effectiveness in Your Microsoft 365 Tenant in 30 Minutes

Microsoft has released two new features to help Multi-factor authentication for Azure AD accounts work smarter and better. It's possible to implement number matching and additional context for MFA challenges in 30 minutes, and the two increase the security of MFA. It's something that every Microsoft 365 tenant administrator should consider, as we explain here.

November 22, 2021