Tag: Microsoft 365

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Free/Busy Sharing with Multiple Exchange Servers and Microsoft 365 Tenants

My team has recently worked on some projects featuring multi-tenant and multi-Exchange environments. A common requirement for all projects is the ability to share free/busy information across all environments. In this article, I will dive into using free/busy sharing with Exchange/Microsoft 365 in the worldwide cloud. Sharing Free/Busy Information Let’s start with the obvious issues: […]

March 6, 2023

Using Microsoft 365 Desired State Configuration in Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations

Control Your Configuration as Migrations Unfold It can be quite a challenge to maintain workload configurations in a Microsoft 365 tenant. Small to medium size organizations might have administrators responsible for the management of the entire tenant. Large enterprise organizations might assign different people to manage different workloads. All share a common responsibility of keeping […]

September 20, 2022

You’ve Migrated…​ But What Did You Leave Behind?

Preparation, Preparation, and More Preparation Migrations in Microsoft 365 are a complex beast. It seems every time you feel like you have captured everything, more apps or functionalities appear. Every shiny new tool Microsoft releases is another consideration for migration teams and IT departments. Planning for migrations – tenant-to-tenant or otherwise – is a mammoth […]

September 6, 2022