Active Directory

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Practical Protection: Baby Steps Towards Zero Trust 

Implementing zero trust in the world is a big hassle, often uncomfortable, and frequently dorky—plus, it can be expensive. At the same time, moving closer to a zero trust model helps harden your network significantly, and you may already have many of the tools and techniques you need available without much extra cost. In this article, we discuss how to take baby steps toward Zero Trust.

April 19, 2023

How Quickly do Threats leak from a Compromised AD into the Cloud?

As organizations move to the cloud, on-premises environments (and their security) are put in the background as the focus shifts to the cloud. Nevertheless, most organizations I know are in a hybrid scenario where the on-premises environment holds the master data and synchronizes everything into Azure Active Directory. This blog explores how an on-premises environment is connected to the cloud and how an attacker might move from on-premises to the cloud laterally.

March 13, 2023

An Introduction and How to Setup Windows 365 Enterprise

Microsoft’s Windows 365 Cloud PC offering can be the perfect fit for organizations that require remote workers to log into a PC that can access their network without the need for a VPN. This article deep dives into Windows 365 and how to setup Windows 365 Enterprise for your organization.

December 14, 2022

Heard at TEC: Hacked and Afraid – dramatic tales from AD disaster recovery scenarios

Figuring Out Recovery Strategies This session was an open panel conversation between Brian Hymer, Brian Desmond, and Patrick Ancipink, three acknowledged experts with a core focus on Active Directory. The key goal of the session was to discuss Active Directory (AD) issues, especially how to recover from them. Feedback came from the panel leaders and […]

October 11, 2022