Author: Steve Goodman

Latest Articles

How to Stream Webinars from Microsoft Teams Using RTMP

Microsoft launched a new feature: RTMP streaming from within Microsoft Teams. This allows you to stream from Microsoft Teams to any supported service - such as YouTube, LinkedIn Live, Twitter, Facebook Live and many third-party event platforms. In this post we show you how to configure it, and what to expect when you use it.

April 4, 2022

Microsoft 365 Tech Blogging, Vlogging and Podcasting Kit – Top Choices for 2022

Creating content to share with your fellow IT professionals is time-consuming, and getting the right setup and equipment for tech blogging, vlogging and podcasts is important. However, it can be difficult to know what the best kit for your budget is. In this article you'll find exactly what you need, from Microsoft 365 environments, microphone, cameras, green-screens to software for recording or streaming your next tech discovery in the Microsoft Cloud.

February 4, 2022

The Practical 365 Update – Episode 34: Why we still need to talk about Exchange

For the first episode of 2022, Paul Robichaux and I didn't think we'd still be talking about Microsoft Exchange. But, here we are - as with the new year, new problems in Exchange On-Premises greeted Exchange admins. On the show this week we discuss Y2K22 first, and then take a deep dive into why 2022 is beginning, yet again, with Exchange On-Premises issues.

January 7, 2022

Set up Viva Learning and publish your own content using SharePoint

Viva Learning was launched to GA (General Availability) at Ignite 2021 Fall Edition and rolled out to commercial Microsoft 365 tenants during the last months of 2021. Your employees will, by default, be able to begin using Viva Learning right away without any IT administrator action to enable it or configure it. Now is the time to get to grips with what is available to configure, and how you can use the built-in functionality to good effect.

January 6, 2022