Author: Steve Goodman

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Hybrid Work Guides: Great or late? Teams Rooms Licensing Delights or Disappoints: Practical Podcast S3 Ep.10

This week on the Practical 365 podcast, Paul and I are talking about Microsoft Teams and the Hybrid Workplace. Microsoft have released "Hybrid Work Guides for your Business". And, whilst producing brochures for your executives to read about how to improve Hybrid work - Teams Rooms gets some licensing changes - which you'll either love or.. not love so much. Plus, ever wanted a universal translator? Teams delivers...

September 8, 2022

Security Updates for Exchange, Where’s Mesh for Teams & Did you miss something when you migrated? Practical Podcast S3 Ep.9

In this week's show, Paul and Steve discuss the new Apple Silicon version of Teams: It was here, now it isn't - why? Exchange Server receives security updates; with Facebook getting a bashing for their Metaverse contributions, will Mesh for Microsoft Teams ever see the light of day; and Exchange Online changes that might affect software you use. Plus - Sean McAvinue and Jason Jacobo join us to help answer the question - what did you leave behind in your migration?

August 26, 2022

Deep dive into Viva Engage, Goals & Sales and find out why you should collaborate using a PowerApp: Practical 365 Podcast S3 Ep. 8

Viva Engage As promised on the last show, we take a dive into the latest announcements for Microsoft Viva, beginning with the first new addition to the Viva employee experience platform, Viva Engage. On the show, we discuss how Microsoft is being challenged in the area of corporate communications by startup vendors, who are often […]

August 10, 2022