Exchange Server

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Automate Exchange Hybrid Server in Azure

Running an Exchange hybrid server in Azure is easy; the challenge is cost - the savior is automation. This article covers how to automate your Exchange Hybrid server in Azure and significantly reduce the cost of running your hybrid server in Azure with basic start/stop solutions, progressing to maintenance scripts to ensure the server is kept up to date regularly. It also explores how the maintenance scripts can be expanded to cover scheduled reporting or other tasks.

April 29, 2022

Microsoft Revamps Exchange On-Premises Servicing Model

Microsoft released Exchange Server 2019 CU12 and Exchange Server 2016 CU23 on April 20. They also made some important announcements, including a new half-yearly servicing cadence for Exchange 2019, availability of free Exchange 2019 keys for hybrid servers, support for Windows Server 2022, and the beginning of the ability to remove the last on-premises Exchange server.

April 20, 2022

Building Exchange 2019 Lab Environments

Exchange Server on-premises organizations need somewhere to test scenarios for updating, testing configurations, and running occasional “what-if” testing. This article provides guidance on notable alternatives for delivering suitable Exchange 2019 lab environments - without breaking the bank.

March 30, 2022

Use Azure Front Door to Leverage Microsoft’s Global Network for Exchange

With Azure Front Door, you can reduce the strain on Exchange through caching, content compression, and by filtering out malicious bots before traffic even hits the on-premises network. In this article, we demonstrate how you can use Front Door to reduce your Exchange Server load, increase OWA Client performance and provide Microsoft managed certificates.

March 1, 2022

The Practical 365 Update – Episode 34: Why we still need to talk about Exchange

For the first episode of 2022, Paul Robichaux and I didn't think we'd still be talking about Microsoft Exchange. But, here we are - as with the new year, new problems in Exchange On-Premises greeted Exchange admins. On the show this week we discuss Y2K22 first, and then take a deep dive into why 2022 is beginning, yet again, with Exchange On-Premises issues.

January 7, 2022

Engineering Snafu Causes Mail Delays for Exchange Server

A version checking problem for malware engine signature files caused on-premises Exchange servers to fail to process inbound email. The issue appears to be due to a date validation problem caused when the checking routine couldn't deal with 2022 when the new year rolled around. Microsoft fixed the problem, but the issue poses questions about Microsoft's commitment to on-premises Exchange Server.

January 2, 2022