Author: Tony Redmond

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Microsoft Plans Big Security Improvement for Unprotected Office 365 Tenants

Microsoft plans to enable Azure AD Security Defaults for Office 365 tenants created prior to October 2019. The move will protect an additional 60 million Azure AD accounts against common attacks by enforcing MFA more broadly. It's a big deal in terms of improving the overall security posture of Office 365. If you don't want to use Security Defaults, tenant administrators can switch them off.

June 1, 2022

Nuggets for IT Pros Hard to Find at Microsoft Build 2022

Build 2022 is not an event that many IT Pros would naturally attend. The conference is focused on meeting the needs of developers rather than managing IT environments. However, buried in the slew of Microsoft announcements, there's a few topics that catch the eye. Here's what we found.

May 25, 2022

Three Steps to Securing Microsoft Teams

Any discussion about securing Microsoft Teams can rapidly descend into a detailed debate about different policy settings. But when you focus on what really needs to be done, it's all about making sure that user access is secure, external access is controlled, and individual teams are managed. Easy!

May 23, 2022

Microsoft Launches Group Ownership Governance Policy

The Microsoft 365 Groups Ownership Governance policy is now generally available. Also known as the ownerless group policy, this capability allows organizations to make sure that all groups have owners by detecting ownerless groups and extending invitations to active group members to become owners. It's a useful capability, especially in large tenants with many groups.

May 16, 2022

Microsoft Revamps Exchange On-Premises Servicing Model

Microsoft released Exchange Server 2019 CU12 and Exchange Server 2016 CU23 on April 20. They also made some important announcements, including a new half-yearly servicing cadence for Exchange 2019, availability of free Exchange 2019 keys for hybrid servers, support for Windows Server 2022, and the beginning of the ability to remove the last on-premises Exchange server.

April 20, 2022

Using Cross-Tenant Access Settings for Azure B2B Collaboration

When Microsoft released cross-tenant access settings into preview, the natural focus was on how this capability enabled external access to Teams shared channels. However, the story is deeper because cross-tenant access settings are also available for Azure AD B2B Collaboration (aka guest user access). A different blocking mechanism is used and it delivers better results, once you're used to the new method.

April 18, 2022

Microsoft 365 License Management for User Accounts with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

MSOL and AzureAD license management cmdlets stop working at the end of March 2024. By then, Microsoft 365 will have switched to a new license management platform. The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK includes cmdlets which can replace the older code, once you know how. The good news is that this article is packed full of practical examples of how to add, remove, and update licenses assigned to Entra ID user accounts.

April 13, 2022

How to Figure Out What Microsoft Graph Permissions You Need

The Microsoft Graph operates on a least permission model, which means that developers are forced to ask for permissions for the actions they wish to perform. This is a very different approach to the way traditional PowerShell modules work, so it's an area to focus on when converting scripts which use cmdlets from the Azure AD and MSOL modules to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. In this article, we look at four ways to find out what permissions are needed to perform different actions and explain how the Graph use the permissions.

April 12, 2022

How to Create and Use Azure AD Cross Tenant Access Policies

Azure AD cross-tenant access settings or policies define how your tenant collaborates with other Microsoft 365 tenants. By default, collaboration using Azure B2B Direct Connect is disabled, so some work is needed to prepare for Teams shared channels. In this article, we look at how to set up cross-tenant policies to enable collaboration to begin using Teams shared channels.

April 7, 2022