Microsoft 365

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Talking to Microsoft About Group Sprawl

Microsoft currently offers people the opportunity to talk to them about the challenges of managing Microsoft 365 Groups. I spoke to the Groups developers on February 18 and brought five requests to the table from dealing with group creation to cleaning up group debris.

February 19, 2021

Microsoft Adjusts Switchover Plan for Teams Meeting Recordings

Microsoft announced a revised plan to switchover storage of Teams meeting recordings from Stream to OneDrive for Business. The July 2021 switchover will happen for all tenants. In some respects that's a good time of year for a change like this because everyone will be on vacation and much too busy to join and record Teams meetings. At least, that's the plan. What could go wrong?

February 18, 2021

Microsoft Wants to Talk About Group Sprawl (Finally)

Nearly seven years after the introduction of Office 365 Groups, Microsoft has finally admitted that tenants might just have a problem with "group sprawl." In other words, tenants have too many underused or unused groups because the groups have been created without oversight and not managed thereafter. Microsoft wants to discuss the problem with tenant administrators. thinks this is a great idea and strongly supports the initiative to get a handle on group sprawl once and for all.

February 17, 2021