Microsoft 365

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Creating Custom B2B Guest User Invitations with Graph API 14 Comments
Azure AD Microsoft Graph API PowerShell

Creating Custom B2B Guest User Invitations with Graph API

Azure AD business-to-business guest user accounts are a terrific way to securely grant access to apps and services for external users and partner organizations. In this article, a script is introduced that can be used to automate the guest user invitation process, integrating it more seamlessly with any custom applications.

June 2, 2021

The Practical 365 Update: S2, Ep 19 – What’s new from Build 2021, and Accenture IT on Running the Largest Teams Deployment in the World

On the show this week, we're talking through the news from Build and going into detail on the most important announcements for IT pros. We're also joined by Jason Warnke and Tony Leraris from Accenture, who give us a glimpse into the fun and games around running the world's largest Microsoft Teams deployment.

May 28, 2021
Prepopulating Outlook Contacts with the Graph API 55 Comments
Microsoft Graph

Prepopulating Outlook Contacts with the Graph API

When contacts are added to an organizations Global Address List (GAL), they do not always populate in the users personal device contacts depending on what app, device, etc. is being used. This becomes problematic when users working from outside the office are unable to contact the IT Service Desk, HR, or other internal services. To solve the problem, this article introduces a PowerShell script that will read a set of standard contacts from a CSV file and write them as personal contacts to user mailboxes. Mobile devices can then synchronize these contacts along with others created by the user.

May 20, 2021

Microsoft Extends Teams Retention Policies to All Licensed Office 365 Accounts

Microsoft announced a bunch of changes for Microsoft 365 records management on May 19. The most interesting changes are allowing all licenses Office 365 accounts to use Teams retention policies and the advent of adaptive scopes for retention policies, both of which should be useful for many tenants. The announcement also covers multi-stage disposition reviews. If you know what that means, you'll be excited. If not, you won't.

May 20, 2021
Microsoft Updates Outlook to use Advanced Settings for Sensitivity Labels 24 Comments
Sensitivity Labels

Microsoft Updates Outlook to use Advanced Settings for Sensitivity Labels

Updates to Outlook clients (desktop, mobile, and OWA) respect the advanced settings in label policy which previously needed the deployment of the unified labeling client. Many organizations want to use mandatory labeling, but have been frustrated because of the lack of support in the Office applications. Now support is available, so it's time to label that email!

May 19, 2021

How Advanced eDiscovery Finds and Displays Microsoft Teams Conversations

When it comes to eDiscovery and which solution is right for your organization, “you get what you pay for.” Microsoft 365 services are no different – you’re either willing to pay for them or you aren’t. Some organizations will not need or want to pay for Advanced eDiscovery, while others will find it an essential purchase. Regardless of which camp your organization resides in, Microsoft provides customers with the flexibility to choose between two eDiscovery tools best suited for your needs.

May 18, 2021

Microsoft’s Plan to Create EU Data Boundary for Cloud Services by the End of 2022

Microsoft posted details of its EU Data Boundary plan on May 6 to cover the storage and processing of personal and commercial data used by Microsoft cloud services. The plan is due to be achieved by the end of 2022 and Microsoft says that they have considered the engineering and technical challenges. A quick look at a European Office 365 tenant reveals that many services run in the U.S., so there's lots of work to do.

May 6, 2021
How to Use PowerShell to Remove OneDrive Files Found by a Content Search One comment
How to Use PowerShell to Remove OneDrive Files Found by a Content Search

How to Use PowerShell to Remove OneDrive Files Found by a Content Search

Ever wondered how to perform selective deletion of OneDrive documents found in Content Searches? While you can remove email using a content search action, Office 365 doesn’t include a method to cleanup OneDrive documents found by content searches. This article demonstrates how to use PowerShell to view the set of files, and then select files to remove.

May 5, 2021

How to Monitor Changes to Sensitivity Labels Used for Container Management

Sensitivity labels are an effective way to manage containers like Teams, Microsoft 365 Groups, and SharePoint sites. Microsoft doesn't provide any way to track changes made to labels assigned to containers, which means that a group owner can downgrade the policy assigned through a label. This article explains a method to detect when label changes occur for containers and how to revert those changes if necessary.

May 4, 2021